Lacking In Nothing
Lacking In Nothing
--from September 10th--
Days 1-4 written by Pat and Liz Neuschwanger. Day 5 written by Michael Brittenham
--from September 10th--
Days 1-4 written by Pat and Liz Neuschwanger. Day 5 written by Michael Brittenham
Day 1
Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
A theme we’re realizing in the book of James and with this sermon is that God’s Word should give us a different perspective. From the sermon sentence, “Enduring faith does not result from a comfortable situation.”, we know that we want enduring faith, but that such is not simply going to be “magically” given to us. And even if it were, our frail, short-sighted, self-centered nature would likely not be truly humble enough to retain that enduring faith. In this passage of scripture, Paul “pleaded with the Lord…” to remove the thorn from his flesh. But God’s answer was not only, “No”, but He also mentioned that such was actually for Paul’s benefit “…for [God’s] power is made perfect in weakness.” Just like the trials that James describes, Paul experienced a situation where he learned that his perspective may not match God’s perspective, but to learn to trust that God’s plan is better.
Give some thought to how you can rearrange your perspective to see what God may be doing in certain circumstances in your life.
Make your response to what you learn a prayer to God of thanksgiving for His love and plan for your life.
Consider sharing some thoughts and lessons you’ve learned on the app so others can share in your lessons and progress.
A theme we’re realizing in the book of James and with this sermon is that God’s Word should give us a different perspective. From the sermon sentence, “Enduring faith does not result from a comfortable situation.”, we know that we want enduring faith, but that such is not simply going to be “magically” given to us. And even if it were, our frail, short-sighted, self-centered nature would likely not be truly humble enough to retain that enduring faith. In this passage of scripture, Paul “pleaded with the Lord…” to remove the thorn from his flesh. But God’s answer was not only, “No”, but He also mentioned that such was actually for Paul’s benefit “…for [God’s] power is made perfect in weakness.” Just like the trials that James describes, Paul experienced a situation where he learned that his perspective may not match God’s perspective, but to learn to trust that God’s plan is better.
Give some thought to how you can rearrange your perspective to see what God may be doing in certain circumstances in your life.
Make your response to what you learn a prayer to God of thanksgiving for His love and plan for your life.
Consider sharing some thoughts and lessons you’ve learned on the app so others can share in your lessons and progress.
Day 2
Read Romans 5:2-5
Take this time to think about a trial that you are facing or faced some time in your life. Spend some time in prayer and thank God for the good He is bringing about or brought about in your life through this trial. Some of us have much larger trials than others. Some may feel that they move on from one trial right into the next. Trials test our faith and develop perseverance. But it has taken me a long time to learn and experience this. In fact, prior to learning this perspective, I had never looked at a trial and said, “I’m so happy to be going through this trial.” But what I’ve learned to say is “I know that God has my best interests at heart and that this trial is now an opportunity to rely on the Lord instead of my own understanding”.
I can remember times when the trials were so bad that I never thought I would get through them. But God taught me lessons and I grew from the experience. It is rarely as “clean” as we go through a trial, learn from it, and never walk through the trial again. It seems more common that we have to keep going through the same trial over and over again until we learn what God is teaching us.
What does “joy” look like? Is it the same as happiness?
What are some ways that you can have joy in the midst of your trial?
What can you learn through the trials you are going through?
How does this become your prayer today?
Take this time to think about a trial that you are facing or faced some time in your life. Spend some time in prayer and thank God for the good He is bringing about or brought about in your life through this trial. Some of us have much larger trials than others. Some may feel that they move on from one trial right into the next. Trials test our faith and develop perseverance. But it has taken me a long time to learn and experience this. In fact, prior to learning this perspective, I had never looked at a trial and said, “I’m so happy to be going through this trial.” But what I’ve learned to say is “I know that God has my best interests at heart and that this trial is now an opportunity to rely on the Lord instead of my own understanding”.
I can remember times when the trials were so bad that I never thought I would get through them. But God taught me lessons and I grew from the experience. It is rarely as “clean” as we go through a trial, learn from it, and never walk through the trial again. It seems more common that we have to keep going through the same trial over and over again until we learn what God is teaching us.
What does “joy” look like? Is it the same as happiness?
What are some ways that you can have joy in the midst of your trial?
What can you learn through the trials you are going through?
How does this become your prayer today?
Day 3
Read Matthew 5:3 and Proverbs 19:1
I love to listen to music, and I love to sing out loud when nobody is around (for good reason…![<block type=]()
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I love to listen to music, and I love to sing out loud when nobody is around (for good reason…