Hydrate Week
Day 1
Read Genesis 1
At Hydrate Kids Camp, we talked about the creation story all week. Since the kids went through it all, and since we talked about it Sunday, it just seems right to continue on in the devotions this week with the same theme. Maybe you have read this chapter before and it seems light on the personal application points and heavy on the stuff that may not be for you today, but I think differently about it. I think the first few chapters of Genesis are the most beneficial and helpful for interpreting most of the rest of the Bible. I see it like the foundation to build the other ideas off of. The reason for that is because when you understand the design of something: the way it works, the how it works, and so on, you get the better understanding of how to use it. Use it wrong or understand it wrong, and you are open to all sorts of issues that unfold chaos and disorder.
In fact, that is how the chapter starts. Verse two is supposed to display a chaotic existence. It was formless and dark, just empty waters. The point is simple, there was no hope of existence. Until God started speaking. That changed everything. Then came light and order and filling the spaces with inhabitants and so much more. It was life. Life started with God’s words. Life by any other definition than what unfolds in these beginnings is false and stealing God’s words. Order is found in God’s words. LIfe is found in God’s words. Light is found in God’s words. That’s a really important theme in the rest of the Bible!
How do you see a connection between God’s words in Genesis and what we refer to as God’s Word in the Bible?
What do you think the Bible means when it states in verse 26 that humans were created in God’s image?
What do you think the blessing of life means and what “be fruitful and multiply” has to do with that?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
At Hydrate Kids Camp, we talked about the creation story all week. Since the kids went through it all, and since we talked about it Sunday, it just seems right to continue on in the devotions this week with the same theme. Maybe you have read this chapter before and it seems light on the personal application points and heavy on the stuff that may not be for you today, but I think differently about it. I think the first few chapters of Genesis are the most beneficial and helpful for interpreting most of the rest of the Bible. I see it like the foundation to build the other ideas off of. The reason for that is because when you understand the design of something: the way it works, the how it works, and so on, you get the better understanding of how to use it. Use it wrong or understand it wrong, and you are open to all sorts of issues that unfold chaos and disorder.
In fact, that is how the chapter starts. Verse two is supposed to display a chaotic existence. It was formless and dark, just empty waters. The point is simple, there was no hope of existence. Until God started speaking. That changed everything. Then came light and order and filling the spaces with inhabitants and so much more. It was life. Life started with God’s words. Life by any other definition than what unfolds in these beginnings is false and stealing God’s words. Order is found in God’s words. LIfe is found in God’s words. Light is found in God’s words. That’s a really important theme in the rest of the Bible!
How do you see a connection between God’s words in Genesis and what we refer to as God’s Word in the Bible?
What do you think the Bible means when it states in verse 26 that humans were created in God’s image?
What do you think the blessing of life means and what “be fruitful and multiply” has to do with that?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
Day 2
Read Genesis 2
This chapter starts with a carry over idea from yesterday’s devotion chapter…the resting of God on the seventh day. It is interesting to see this as part of the creation story when nothing is really happening. But it is hard not to imagine that the seven day cycle that drives the world that we live in, is not hinged off of the idea that there were six days of creation and one day of rest. This 6 and 1 pattern shows up throughout the rest of the Bible as well, and remember, the ideas we are learning from here are informing all the rest of the teachings in the Bible.
This chapter also goes on to explain the creation of humans in more and more detail. These patterns also lay the foundation for the ideas of marriage and family throughout the rest of the Bible. In that, the definition of why the world exists begins to form. Our world is created for humans to exist. We are given the chief spot as inhabitants and caretakers. We see this because the culmination of God’s creation plan ends in the creation of humans to inhabit it. That means that humans are the crowning piece of completion to God’s creation. That is where we get our worth and dignity. God, Himself gives it to us by way of the this story's patterns. To find worth anywhere else and in any other way would be a false worth and even subpar to the Bible’s story.
What are the implications that you see from all of this that show what the point of our lives are supposed to be?
Why do you think that the story is told here that Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden to “work and to keep” it?
Why do you think the narrator tells us the detail of God forming human from the ground rather than like in the previous chapter God speaking everything else into existence?
How does today’s devotion inform your prayers?
This chapter starts with a carry over idea from yesterday’s devotion chapter…the resting of God on the seventh day. It is interesting to see this as part of the creation story when nothing is really happening. But it is hard not to imagine that the seven day cycle that drives the world that we live in, is not hinged off of the idea that there were six days of creation and one day of rest. This 6 and 1 pattern shows up throughout the rest of the Bible as well, and remember, the ideas we are learning from here are informing all the rest of the teachings in the Bible.
This chapter also goes on to explain the creation of humans in more and more detail. These patterns also lay the foundation for the ideas of marriage and family throughout the rest of the Bible. In that, the definition of why the world exists begins to form. Our world is created for humans to exist. We are given the chief spot as inhabitants and caretakers. We see this because the culmination of God’s creation plan ends in the creation of humans to inhabit it. That means that humans are the crowning piece of completion to God’s creation. That is where we get our worth and dignity. God, Himself gives it to us by way of the this story's patterns. To find worth anywhere else and in any other way would be a false worth and even subpar to the Bible’s story.
What are the implications that you see from all of this that show what the point of our lives are supposed to be?
Why do you think that the story is told here that Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden to “work and to keep” it?
Why do you think the narrator tells us the detail of God forming human from the ground rather than like in the previous chapter God speaking everything else into existence?
How does today’s devotion inform your prayers?
Day 3
Read Genesis 3
In the vein of chasing themes through the first few chapters of the Bible, Genesis 3 comes out pretty strong. Whereas the other two chapters have been scene setting, this one develops the problem the rest of the Bible will deal with. We, the humans, are that problem. But God comes out big on this problem and starts a solution for the problem. His plan for saving humanity starts developing immediately after the problem shows up. But even before that, we can follow the story of Adam and Eve, watching their patterns, and see in that so much of a commentary of how we act and respond to our own sin problem. Without this chapter and without the understanding that comes in this chapter, you have no response to the chaos and disorder in the world today. Also with this story in place, you have an understanding for all of the other stories that will follow in the Bible.
It is also helpful to pay attention to the way God sees sin, the way He responds to sin, and what sin does to our designed place and purpose. Many times we wrestle with the idea of God not liking us becuase of sin or even as a God with a disposition that is against us, rather than a version of the picture that we see here, a God that is strong against sin, but loving toward His people. If you were to take a year to read through the Bible, you would see this same theme played over and over again on repeat in so many different stories.
How do you notice yourslef acting like Adam and Eve when you are confronted by your sin?
What is God’s complete response to their sin and how is that different than how you usually think about God?
What else do you learn about who we are as humans from this chapter?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
In the vein of chasing themes through the first few chapters of the Bible, Genesis 3 comes out pretty strong. Whereas the other two chapters have been scene setting, this one develops the problem the rest of the Bible will deal with. We, the humans, are that problem. But God comes out big on this problem and starts a solution for the problem. His plan for saving humanity starts developing immediately after the problem shows up. But even before that, we can follow the story of Adam and Eve, watching their patterns, and see in that so much of a commentary of how we act and respond to our own sin problem. Without this chapter and without the understanding that comes in this chapter, you have no response to the chaos and disorder in the world today. Also with this story in place, you have an understanding for all of the other stories that will follow in the Bible.
It is also helpful to pay attention to the way God sees sin, the way He responds to sin, and what sin does to our designed place and purpose. Many times we wrestle with the idea of God not liking us becuase of sin or even as a God with a disposition that is against us, rather than a version of the picture that we see here, a God that is strong against sin, but loving toward His people. If you were to take a year to read through the Bible, you would see this same theme played over and over again on repeat in so many different stories.
How do you notice yourslef acting like Adam and Eve when you are confronted by your sin?
What is God’s complete response to their sin and how is that different than how you usually think about God?
What else do you learn about who we are as humans from this chapter?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
Day 4
Read Genesis 4
A lot of people that teach on the importance of the first few chapters of Genesis will stop at chapter 3. I would add chapter 4 in that category of chapters that help us get a really good picture on the story of humanity. Where chapter 1 was the creation of all things and chapter 2 was about the creation of humans and chapter 3 is about the big problem in the world, chapter 4 is the beginning of the narrative about what it means and looks like to live outside of God’s designed intent. His intent was Him and humans inside the garden, but now sin has sent the humans outside the garden and there is (at this point) no way back into God’s presence. We saw a glimpse of what life was like in God’s presence, but what is it like outside of God’s presence? Then two brothers have a disagreement and one kills the other. That is what it is like. It is not good out there. Even the very first story outside of God’s presence ends in chaos and death. A type of uncreation. God gave life, sin brought death. That needs to be dealt with.
When humans don’t have a place in God’s presence and they miss the point of how and why they were created, they destroy each other and try to build cities for their names. This is why the narration of the Bible is not about a problem with just an apple from a tree, but a story about a bigger problem that needs a serious response. This chapter is the beginning of the story and patterns of life outside of God’s presence.
Why do you think that Cain was angry with Abel?
What are some of Cain’s responses to his sin that seem not right?
How do you see these things in your life?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
A lot of people that teach on the importance of the first few chapters of Genesis will stop at chapter 3. I would add chapter 4 in that category of chapters that help us get a really good picture on the story of humanity. Where chapter 1 was the creation of all things and chapter 2 was about the creation of humans and chapter 3 is about the big problem in the world, chapter 4 is the beginning of the narrative about what it means and looks like to live outside of God’s designed intent. His intent was Him and humans inside the garden, but now sin has sent the humans outside the garden and there is (at this point) no way back into God’s presence. We saw a glimpse of what life was like in God’s presence, but what is it like outside of God’s presence? Then two brothers have a disagreement and one kills the other. That is what it is like. It is not good out there. Even the very first story outside of God’s presence ends in chaos and death. A type of uncreation. God gave life, sin brought death. That needs to be dealt with.
When humans don’t have a place in God’s presence and they miss the point of how and why they were created, they destroy each other and try to build cities for their names. This is why the narration of the Bible is not about a problem with just an apple from a tree, but a story about a bigger problem that needs a serious response. This chapter is the beginning of the story and patterns of life outside of God’s presence.
Why do you think that Cain was angry with Abel?
What are some of Cain’s responses to his sin that seem not right?
How do you see these things in your life?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
Day 5
Read Psalm 104
Have you ever seen a really good movie and then years later a different director and a different set of actors redo the movie and tell it a bit differently? That is what this Psalm is. This is the Genesis creation account told from a new director’s perspective. It is the same story, but it is told quite a bit differently. The reason for that is because the Psalmist has a different reason for telling this story than the Genesis account.
If you were to sum up this Psalm, I think you could say that the point of God’s creation is to give God glory. I think Genesis says that also, but this one really seems to drive that point home. It all exists and the way it all functions and how it all is set up is a glory scream for the Creator Himself. You know He is Good by noticing all of the Good in His work.
What specifically different do you see in this Psalm that you don’t see in Genesis?
What are some things that you notice around you today that bring glory to God?
In the context of the creation account, why is it important to have the perspective of verses 33-34?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
Have you ever seen a really good movie and then years later a different director and a different set of actors redo the movie and tell it a bit differently? That is what this Psalm is. This is the Genesis creation account told from a new director’s perspective. It is the same story, but it is told quite a bit differently. The reason for that is because the Psalmist has a different reason for telling this story than the Genesis account.
If you were to sum up this Psalm, I think you could say that the point of God’s creation is to give God glory. I think Genesis says that also, but this one really seems to drive that point home. It all exists and the way it all functions and how it all is set up is a glory scream for the Creator Himself. You know He is Good by noticing all of the Good in His work.
What specifically different do you see in this Psalm that you don’t see in Genesis?
What are some things that you notice around you today that bring glory to God?
In the context of the creation account, why is it important to have the perspective of verses 33-34?
How does this become part of your prayer today?
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