Devotions for week of August 25th

**All devotions this week were written by Michael and Katie Brittenham.

Day 1

Read Matthew 6:5-13 
What is prayer? Talking with God. It seems easy enough, but why do I struggle with what that looks like? Through the years, my prayer life has changed out of necessity. I used to think I had to bow my head, close my eyes, and have prayer time. When I had four little ones running around, this type of prayer rarely happened. I prayed before meals and before bed. Now, I use prayer to connect with God throughout my day. I try to pray before getting up in the morning, “God, make me a blessing today. Help me see the needs around me. Amen.” I have my children pray on the way to school. I pray throughout the day when God brings someone to mind. My family takes turns praying before meals. If I hear sirens, see a wreck, or see someone on the side of the road asking for money, I pray for them. My husband and I pray before bed. I am definitely not an expert on prayer. Sometimes I pray with my eyes open driving down the road. Other times it is kneeling beside my bed. Some days I forget to pray, but I think the most important part of prayer is staying connected to our heavenly Father. 

How is your prayer life? Do you feel connected to God? Who is God calling to mind right now that you could pray for? There is no better time to pray than right now. If you are struggling, like I sometimes do, read Matthew 6:5-13 and be reminded how Jesus taught us to pray. Sometimes we just need to say the Lord’s Prayer.

Day 2

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Matthew 5:14-16
Power has become affiliated with such incredibly negative ideas and social situations, not to mention being highly politicized, that we struggle to think of it in a positive light.  Power is the thing which those in authority have, the thing those being oppressed lack, and what everyone seems to think will make them happy.  That kind of power has been demonstrated across history to be an empty husk that will never satisfy.  When you have it you want more and no amount is enough.  The problem is that kind of power is a false and worldly power.  As with everything from God the reality and truth of power looks totally upside down to the rest of the world.  God said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”.  That is power, submission to the One who has all power, the one who will only demonstrate his power through those who demonstrate a servant heart.  Power isn’t something we leverage for our own benefit, it is expressed in what we do to serve others.  Jesus calls us “the light of the world”.  That light comes from His power shining out through us for the benefit of others.  God’s power, the power of the Holy Spirit, is never accessed for our own benefit.  But the benefit is immeasurable when we allow God to work through us.  

Are you living in submission to God?  Do you seek to adjust your life to Him, or are you expecting Him to adjust to you?  

Day 3

Read John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13

When I look at Ephesians 3:17-19, “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith – that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God”, it makes me wonder if we can really understand the love that God has for us. When I think of the love I have for others, my husband and my children are at the top of the list, most days! 5020202020all




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