Mighty God
Mighty God
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
“And the government will be on his shoulders.” Anyone who reigns over a country or province takes on the burden for the well being of its inhabitants. If there is a disaster or famine, the ruler is responsible for securing relief for the people of the land. If another country wages war, the ruler is responsible to lead his country into battle. In a spiritual sense, Jesus carries our burdens and oversees anything we may encounter in our daily lives. It could be said that He is our Provider and Protector as He goes before us to fight our battles.
We hold our military men and women in high esteem and consider them as heroes because they protect us from enemy forces and fight for us so that we may have freedom and privileges which are denied to those in some countries. They are often on the front lines facing the enemy, while we live in safety and comfort.
Jesus is our protector, fighting our spiritual battles for which there is no weapon on earth. The enemy doesn’t dare try to come against Him, instead he flees if anyone of us calls on the name of Jesus. He is a mighty God!
When we hear the term “mighty,” we might think of a formidable foe, but what if there was a compassionate, caring component to this equation? In that case we would be describing a truly mighty God. Although Jesus reigns over heaven and earth, He still has time to respond to any of us who call upon Him.
On those days when it seems as though you are the enemy’s favorite target, envision a mighty God who has already defeated your adversary!
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people have been promised a ruler who would establish a kingdom and rule with justice and righteousness. An earthly ruler who is competent and holds the welfare of the people as his first priority is held in high regard. He has an enormous responsibility as he governs his country. However, Jesus would be much more than an earthly ruler since His kingdom would not be of this world. Although Jesus would explain this to the people, they were still expecting Him to establish a kingdom on earth.
Earthly rulers will usually welcome the oppressed and broken into their countries, but Jesus would go further than that. He thought it was so important to include all of mankind in his kingdom that he came to earth to pay the highest price to redeem them so that they might spend eternity with Him.
“Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (verse 7). This scripture is referring to a never ending, unlimited rule of justice and righteousness. Even the best of earthly kings could not fulfill this promise.
Jesus could have set up a kingdom on earth but they would have still been the same people, living under a new ruler, yet still prone to wander. The new kingdom would not be effective unless the people were set free from their old ways and this was not something they could do on their own. It would take someone who was completely sinless and righteous to make this sacrifice and there was only one who was qualified.
There is always some apprehension associated with traveling to someplace unknown, even if the mode of travel is safe and pleasant. A first time flyer may feel that his/her feet are glued to the ground as he/she takes that first step onto the plane. How would we feel about traveling to earth the way Jesus did? That could be another reason that He is referred to as a mighty God.
A Mighty God is still seeking people to enter his kingdom today. There are no lengthy forms to fill out or classes to attend. Spread the word!
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:4-7 Isaiah 8:19-22
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people of Israel have placed their confidence in mediums to contact the dead rather than depending on God. They have rejected the one true God, falling prey to deception, bringing about their own oppression. Now they are angry with God. They are distressed and living in fear, but God intends to put an end to their oppression through the birth of a child, his only son. In those days when God’s people strayed from His protection, they could find themselves overtaken by other countries.
“You have shattered the yoke that burdens them.” Although His people had strayed and found themselves to be in a state of despair under a heavy yoke, God had mercy on them and vowed to send a savior who would break that yoke. We heard in today’s worship service that Herod was a totally deranged king who was a menace even to his own family. Interestingly, it was during the reign of this cruel, self serving king that God chose to send our Savior. Although Herod hoped to destroy Jesus, his attempts were rendered powerless. Only a mighty God could come to earth in the midst of such evil, and accomplish his purpose of redeeming mankind.
However, for those who reject God, there is a spiritual oppression that carries the weight of a heavy yoke that they cannot break. The yoke is described as a bar across their shoulders. Imagine a weight across your shoulders, bearing down with such force that you can’t even begin to lift your arm to remove it. It is even more difficult to lift a spiritual yoke that will slowly crush the life out of a person. The bible tells us that Jesus will shatter the yoke. He will not struggle and strain to lift it off, but it will break into tiny pieces at His command.
We often watch movies in which the hero, heavily armed, possibly leading a swat team, sets a victim free from confinement. We have a mighty God who will shatter any yoke single handedly, setting us free from bondage.
It is unlikely that any of us would contact the dead to pull us through our trials, but sometimes we try many avenues before we turn to God as a last resort. Why not make a mighty God who shatters yokes your first resort.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
What would be an example of mighty. Could it be a fierce warrior fitted in a coat of armor wielding a sharp sword, sending a vast army into a hasty retreat before he even strikes a blow? This would be a good example of Jesus on the day of his crucifixion but without the visible armor or weapon.
When Jesus didn’t fight to defend himself of the day of His crucifixion, it might have seemed to the people in the crowd that He was being passive. Why didn’t He point out that Barabas was the one who had done wrong and proclaim His own innocence? Why didn’t He fight for His life or call on a heavenly army to set Him free?
It took more courage than was humanly possible when Jesus quietly allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross on that day. He could have called on heaven at any time, but He remained strong. On that day, when His blood was shed, Jesus struck terror at the heart of Satan and defeated his entire army, proving Himself to be a mighty God. Yes, it took unimaginable courage to stay on that cross, but the driving force behind it all was Jesus’ mercy for us because He was our only hope and that is the true definition of mighty.
We often hear people say that person is like my brother or sister. I would die for him or her. If it came to the point that our life was actually required to save someone who meant that much to us, would we be able to do it? Imagine the depth of love and compassion that would be required to go through with such a tremendous sacrifice.
It is a proven fact that Jesus has unlimited power, but in every instance that His power is displayed, it is for our benefit. Although He is mighty He welcomes us into his presence.
Someone who wins battles is a strong warrior. The one whose incentive for going into battle is fueled by mercy and compassion for the lost or weak, even at the cost of his own life is truly mighty.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:1-3, 6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people were existing in a state of gloom and oppression. They had lost their joy and they were walking in darkness. This was more than the darkness encountered when walking through a room with just enough light to grope our way through. There may be some confusion as everyday items may appear frightening or unfamiliar in the scant light. However, the people in this scripture were experiencing a much more profound darkness. It pervaded the heart, mind and soul to the point that they had lost sight of the living God who was reaching out to them. They were looking for deliverance but they were consulting the dead rather than their creator.
The scripture tells us that they were living in the land of the shadow of death. Satan almost had their souls. They would be lost forever into eternity. Then there was a great light that dispelled the darkness and all became clear as their joy came flooding in.
God had a plan for His people who would only sink deeper into darkness unless they were rescued. He couldn’t send just anyone. The one who would be sent would need to live a perfect life from the moment of birth and that life would have to begin here on earth. From the most humble of beginnings as a baby, He received worship from those who saw the star and all creation continues to worship Him today. He came to save us and set us free so that we never have to walk in the shadow of death.
It is so easy to dig a rut in life, trying to solve everything on our own. Jesus came to light our path and lead us to victory.
When we are burdened and on the verge of defeat, remember that Jesus came to set us free.
When His people were lost and on the verge of destruction, Jesus came to their rescue. His lifeline extends to us as well.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
“And the government will be on his shoulders.” Anyone who reigns over a country or province takes on the burden for the well being of its inhabitants. If there is a disaster or famine, the ruler is responsible for securing relief for the people of the land. If another country wages war, the ruler is responsible to lead his country into battle. In a spiritual sense, Jesus carries our burdens and oversees anything we may encounter in our daily lives. It could be said that He is our Provider and Protector as He goes before us to fight our battles.
We hold our military men and women in high esteem and consider them as heroes because they protect us from enemy forces and fight for us so that we may have freedom and privileges which are denied to those in some countries. They are often on the front lines facing the enemy, while we live in safety and comfort.
Jesus is our protector, fighting our spiritual battles for which there is no weapon on earth. The enemy doesn’t dare try to come against Him, instead he flees if anyone of us calls on the name of Jesus. He is a mighty God!
When we hear the term “mighty,” we might think of a formidable foe, but what if there was a compassionate, caring component to this equation? In that case we would be describing a truly mighty God. Although Jesus reigns over heaven and earth, He still has time to respond to any of us who call upon Him.
On those days when it seems as though you are the enemy’s favorite target, envision a mighty God who has already defeated your adversary!
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people have been promised a ruler who would establish a kingdom and rule with justice and righteousness. An earthly ruler who is competent and holds the welfare of the people as his first priority is held in high regard. He has an enormous responsibility as he governs his country. However, Jesus would be much more than an earthly ruler since His kingdom would not be of this world. Although Jesus would explain this to the people, they were still expecting Him to establish a kingdom on earth.
Earthly rulers will usually welcome the oppressed and broken into their countries, but Jesus would go further than that. He thought it was so important to include all of mankind in his kingdom that he came to earth to pay the highest price to redeem them so that they might spend eternity with Him.
“Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (verse 7). This scripture is referring to a never ending, unlimited rule of justice and righteousness. Even the best of earthly kings could not fulfill this promise.
Jesus could have set up a kingdom on earth but they would have still been the same people, living under a new ruler, yet still prone to wander. The new kingdom would not be effective unless the people were set free from their old ways and this was not something they could do on their own. It would take someone who was completely sinless and righteous to make this sacrifice and there was only one who was qualified.
There is always some apprehension associated with traveling to someplace unknown, even if the mode of travel is safe and pleasant. A first time flyer may feel that his/her feet are glued to the ground as he/she takes that first step onto the plane. How would we feel about traveling to earth the way Jesus did? That could be another reason that He is referred to as a mighty God.
A Mighty God is still seeking people to enter his kingdom today. There are no lengthy forms to fill out or classes to attend. Spread the word!
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:4-7 Isaiah 8:19-22
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people of Israel have placed their confidence in mediums to contact the dead rather than depending on God. They have rejected the one true God, falling prey to deception, bringing about their own oppression. Now they are angry with God. They are distressed and living in fear, but God intends to put an end to their oppression through the birth of a child, his only son. In those days when God’s people strayed from His protection, they could find themselves overtaken by other countries.
“You have shattered the yoke that burdens them.” Although His people had strayed and found themselves to be in a state of despair under a heavy yoke, God had mercy on them and vowed to send a savior who would break that yoke. We heard in today’s worship service that Herod was a totally deranged king who was a menace even to his own family. Interestingly, it was during the reign of this cruel, self serving king that God chose to send our Savior. Although Herod hoped to destroy Jesus, his attempts were rendered powerless. Only a mighty God could come to earth in the midst of such evil, and accomplish his purpose of redeeming mankind.
However, for those who reject God, there is a spiritual oppression that carries the weight of a heavy yoke that they cannot break. The yoke is described as a bar across their shoulders. Imagine a weight across your shoulders, bearing down with such force that you can’t even begin to lift your arm to remove it. It is even more difficult to lift a spiritual yoke that will slowly crush the life out of a person. The bible tells us that Jesus will shatter the yoke. He will not struggle and strain to lift it off, but it will break into tiny pieces at His command.
We often watch movies in which the hero, heavily armed, possibly leading a swat team, sets a victim free from confinement. We have a mighty God who will shatter any yoke single handedly, setting us free from bondage.
It is unlikely that any of us would contact the dead to pull us through our trials, but sometimes we try many avenues before we turn to God as a last resort. Why not make a mighty God who shatters yokes your first resort.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
What would be an example of mighty. Could it be a fierce warrior fitted in a coat of armor wielding a sharp sword, sending a vast army into a hasty retreat before he even strikes a blow? This would be a good example of Jesus on the day of his crucifixion but without the visible armor or weapon.
When Jesus didn’t fight to defend himself of the day of His crucifixion, it might have seemed to the people in the crowd that He was being passive. Why didn’t He point out that Barabas was the one who had done wrong and proclaim His own innocence? Why didn’t He fight for His life or call on a heavenly army to set Him free?
It took more courage than was humanly possible when Jesus quietly allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross on that day. He could have called on heaven at any time, but He remained strong. On that day, when His blood was shed, Jesus struck terror at the heart of Satan and defeated his entire army, proving Himself to be a mighty God. Yes, it took unimaginable courage to stay on that cross, but the driving force behind it all was Jesus’ mercy for us because He was our only hope and that is the true definition of mighty.
We often hear people say that person is like my brother or sister. I would die for him or her. If it came to the point that our life was actually required to save someone who meant that much to us, would we be able to do it? Imagine the depth of love and compassion that would be required to go through with such a tremendous sacrifice.
It is a proven fact that Jesus has unlimited power, but in every instance that His power is displayed, it is for our benefit. Although He is mighty He welcomes us into his presence.
Someone who wins battles is a strong warrior. The one whose incentive for going into battle is fueled by mercy and compassion for the lost or weak, even at the cost of his own life is truly mighty.
Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:1-3, 6-7
Sermon Sentence: We can trust in the power of Jesus because His power is unmatched.
The people were existing in a state of gloom and oppression. They had lost their joy and they were walking in darkness. This was more than the darkness encountered when walking through a room with just enough light to grope our way through. There may be some confusion as everyday items may appear frightening or unfamiliar in the scant light. However, the people in this scripture were experiencing a much more profound darkness. It pervaded the heart, mind and soul to the point that they had lost sight of the living God who was reaching out to them. They were looking for deliverance but they were consulting the dead rather than their creator.
The scripture tells us that they were living in the land of the shadow of death. Satan almost had their souls. They would be lost forever into eternity. Then there was a great light that dispelled the darkness and all became clear as their joy came flooding in.
God had a plan for His people who would only sink deeper into darkness unless they were rescued. He couldn’t send just anyone. The one who would be sent would need to live a perfect life from the moment of birth and that life would have to begin here on earth. From the most humble of beginnings as a baby, He received worship from those who saw the star and all creation continues to worship Him today. He came to save us and set us free so that we never have to walk in the shadow of death.
It is so easy to dig a rut in life, trying to solve everything on our own. Jesus came to light our path and lead us to victory.
When we are burdened and on the verge of defeat, remember that Jesus came to set us free.
When His people were lost and on the verge of destruction, Jesus came to their rescue. His lifeline extends to us as well.
Posted in Devotions
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