Jesus and Angels

Day 1
Jesus:  The Word

Sermon Sentence: Jesus is greater than the angels.

Memory Verse: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12

Key verses:  John 1:1-14

When we think about the nature and character of Jesus the Bible gives us many names and ideas to help us think about who He is.  We know that Jesus is God but how do we understand his relationship to God.  The idea of the Trinity is one that we struggle with and has even caused conflict among Christians through the ages.  In some ways we have to resolve that God’s true nature is not something we can comprehend.  God knows this which makes it all the more significant that we have such wonderful descriptions of Jesus and He Himself affirms that if we know Him then we know His Father.  
One of the very foundational descriptions of Jesus is as The Word.  When someone speaks words we know that the thoughts and ideas they convey through works tell us about that person.  They can tell us their history, about their beliefs, and their desires or plans.  When those words come from God their significance is infinitely greater.  When we read the account of Genesis when God created everything we read that He spoke it into existence.  John shows us that the Word was the channel through which the power of God created everything.  That Word is Jesus.  
While it may be more than we can comprehend to understand the true nature of God, when we look at Jesus, the Word, we can see the essence of God in this world.

What are some the names given to Jesus that you understand in the Bible?

What does it mean that Jesus  is The Word?

Day 2

Jesus:  The Son

Sermon Sentence: Jesus is greater than the angels.

Memory Verse: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12

Key verses:  Matthew 11:27 and John 5:19-24

Have you ever watched a small boy and his dad?  The little boy will follow his dad from a very young age and imitate him in everything he does.  Boys want to go to work with their dads, they want to hang out with their dads, and many times will say “When I grow up I want to be like my dad.”  You probably have even looked at a son and thought “He’s just like his dad.”
Jesus carries the sole distinction of being the Son of God.  This means so much more than what we think of when we think of fathers and sons but we are faced with a relationship that our brains struggle with.  So God helps us by showing us the nature of that relationship in a way we can comprehend.  Just as we see with earthly sons, Jesus sought to obey His Father, to please His Father, He honored His Father, and He sought to return to and be with His Father.  In all things Jesus did He never lost sight of the work of His Father.
By doing this he not only shows us His relationship to God the Father but He also showed us our future.  We have the hope and the promise that we see in Romans that we too will be adopted into the family of God as his sons and daughters.  The nature of Christ and His obedience to God sets the example and made the way for our eternal promise.

What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God?

Why is it important that we understand this?

How does it speak to you in your personal life?

Day 3
Jesus:  The Way, The Truth, The Life

Sermon Sentence: Jesus is greater than the angels.

Memory Verse: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12

Key verses:  John 14:1-12

In today’s world we have become so dependent on devices and maps to navigate that we often find ourselves helpless to even navigate to the simplest places without an assist.  We don’t ask for directions, we ask for an address.  It’s incredible to think people navigated the world less than a hundred years ago with nothing but a compass and the stars.  
Now we’re not talking about how to get to the local coffee shop.  In John 14 the disciples are asking Jesus how to get to Heaven.  They want to be where Jesus is going and you have probably felt the same way many times.  But there is no map, set of directions, or app for navigating this.  Thankfully however God is not trying to make this difficult.  Not only did He do the hard work of making a way where none existed, Jesus clearly stated that He is that Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He is the Way through which we can come to the Father.  He is Truth and by his words and actions he conveys the very essence of the truth of God.  Finally, he is the Life, our life, our future life because through His resurrection and victory over death he has given us life.  
Jesus said in very clear terms that we don’t have to navigate this on our own and scripture confirms that there is nothing that can come between us and God.  

What does it mean that Jesus is “the way?”

What do you think it means to understand that Jesus is “the truth?”

What does it mean that Jesus is “the life?”

Day 4
Jesus:  Our Redeemer

Sermon Sentence: Jesus is greater than the angels.

Memory Verse: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12

Key verses:  Galatians 4:1-7

Debt is a burden, if you’ve ever been in extreme debt that you couldn’t see a way out of it can even cause a level of stress that will begin to impact your physical health.  Our society loves debt because we can get what we want now without paying for it, yet.  Sin is no different.  Sin creates in us a debt and a burden that we cannot pay.  It can consume us even to the point of compromising our health or, in some cases, we simply choose to ignore it and give ourselves up as bankrupt.  With our financial debt we have a 3rd option to begin carefully managing our finances and paying it off little by little.  Sin does not afford us this opportunity as there is nothing we can do to pay the debt.
The Bible refers to us as slaves to sin when we are living under sin and the law.  A slave has no options and no way out.  They make no income so they have no way to redeem themselves.  Unless, someone else with the means to redeem them comes along and pays the price.  This is such a simplistic way to view what Christ has done for us in His redemption of us from sin and we should be very careful not to minimize the price He paid for our sin by putting it in such simple terms.  Our sin was infinite and required an infinite price to be paid.  Only the blood of Christ was sufficient, nothing else would do.  So the Father appointed Christ as our redeemer for He alone had the power to release the debt.  
If you are now living under the blood your sin has no hold, you have no debt of sin, the Son has set you free and you are free indeed.  

How often do you think of your sin debt and how does it affect you?

What does our reading in Galatians mean to you?

What does the Bible tell us Jesus actually does with our sin debt?

Day 5
Jesus:  King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Sermon Sentence: Jesus is greater than the angels.

Memory Verse: “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12

Key verses:  Revelation 21:1-8

I’m not a fan of reading the end of a book to know how it ends.  It spoils the story and ruins the suspense if you know how everything turns out.  I am however a firm believer that there is one exception to this rule.  The Bible is one book that we should frequently visit the end to see and reaffirm the truth that no matter what in the end “God Wins!”.  
Through the whole Bible we are unpacking as we read the story of Jesus.  Everything was created by Him and flows from Him.  The Bible leads us to Him and in the end all of human history leads to an eternity in His presence.  Jesus birth united God and man in the person of Jesus.  His death paid the price for our sins.  His resurrection gives us the promise of eternal life, and it is His seat on the throne at God’s right hand and His title of King of Kings and Lord of Lords that demonstrates the power and authority of Jesus over all things.   
We have not put our trust and faith into someone who is weak and failing like we are.  He knows our struggles, but He overcame them and now sits in authority.  This is the person of Jesus who we have as our King and Lord, He deserves nothing less than our total surrender.  Are you struggling?  Remember that Jesus has full authority even over the mountains you face.

Why is it important to know and understand Jesus as the Creator?

What one title of Jesus means the most to you today? Why is that?

How can you use this thought to share Jesus with someone today?
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