Seasons of Fear and Dismay
Day 1
Read I Samuel 17
Think about the sermon sentence.
Are you in spiritual drought? The water of the word? It is difficult to see a reflection, where there isn't any water.
Read Proverbs 27:19
How can we allow God to reflect His character in us?
Read II Corinthians 3:18 and Ephesians 3:16
How can you turn today's devotion into a prayer for today?
Think about the sermon sentence.
Are you in spiritual drought? The water of the word? It is difficult to see a reflection, where there isn't any water.
Read Proverbs 27:19
How can we allow God to reflect His character in us?
Read II Corinthians 3:18 and Ephesians 3:16
How can you turn today's devotion into a prayer for today?
Day 2
Read I Samuel 17:32
Was David boasting? Do you think David knew and had full reassurance of who God was and how God had prepared him?
Read Ephesians 6:10-19 (the armor of God)
How has God prepared you for what you may face?
Read Psalms 25:4-5
How can you make this a prayer for you?
Was David boasting? Do you think David knew and had full reassurance of who God was and how God had prepared him?
Read Ephesians 6:10-19 (the armor of God)
How has God prepared you for what you may face?
Read Psalms 25:4-5
How can you make this a prayer for you?
Day 3
Think about the seasons we talked about.
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
We are promised a time for everything. Even the battle.
Read Psalms 23:5
The promise of a table for me, in the presence of my enemies. What do you think it looks like to say we have sat at the table in the midst of the battle? Seek the Lord today, ask Him to guide you in the path He has for you today.
Go on the app and leave a comment about the time God used your story to share the gospel.
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
We are promised a time for everything. Even the battle.
Read Psalms 23:5
The promise of a table for me, in the presence of my enemies. What do you think it looks like to say we have sat at the table in the midst of the battle? Seek the Lord today, ask Him to guide you in the path He has for you today.
Go on the app and leave a comment about the time God used your story to share the gospel.
Day 4
Read Ezekiel 34:23-24
David is called the shepherd of Israel and a prince. But in Psalms 23 David says "the Lord is my shepherd". Consider the job of the shepherd, what does it look like in David's life?
Read Psalms 23
Look again at I Samuel 17:34
What does it mean to have the Lord as your shepherd? Think about the 23rd Psalms as a prayer and a challenge.
David is called the shepherd of Israel and a prince. But in Psalms 23 David says "the Lord is my shepherd". Consider the job of the shepherd, what does it look like in David's life?
Read Psalms 23
Look again at I Samuel 17:34
What does it mean to have the Lord as your shepherd? Think about the 23rd Psalms as a prayer and a challenge.
Day 5
Read Psalm 18
This was written while David was on the run from Saul. How do you walk in the full assurance of the Lord? In our day to day how are we purposeful and deliberate in our pursuit of God?
Read John 16:5-15,
Take note of verse 12 - 13 and 14.
Leave a message on the app discussion about how God has used the David and Goliath story in your life this week.
This was written while David was on the run from Saul. How do you walk in the full assurance of the Lord? In our day to day how are we purposeful and deliberate in our pursuit of God?
Read John 16:5-15,
Take note of verse 12 - 13 and 14.
Leave a message on the app discussion about how God has used the David and Goliath story in your life this week.
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